YBS has instigated a work from home policy for all its office based staff and the Directors are pleased with the attitude of all employees in making this work so efficiently in the current circumstances. All site works are following government guidelines and again, our site based personnel are showing a great attitude to the current restrictions including complying with the 2 metre rule.

The company is currently investing more to meet the guidelines and obligations. We feel this is necessary to support the NHS and the country in slowing the spread of COVID-19.

We would like to take this opportunity to let our colleagues, customers and suppliers know, that despite the offices being closed, our telephone lines are diverted and remote access to the servers has been upgraded. With this in place the majority of our office based staff and all the Directors are still contactable by phone and email. The Directors are having video meetings on a daily basis to discuss any issues that arise. We are also in regular contact with colleagues, to give them the very latest updates regarding COVID-19 and how we are adapting to deal with its impact within our day-to-day business.

To all our colleagues, customers and suppliers, please keep safe in these difficult times and please feel free to contact us should you require.