Congratulations go to Kevin Dyson, Dan Cohen, Andy Robinson and Tony McPhillips for becoming ‘Key Performing Contractors’ in the second quarter of 2019, whilst working for Vincent Stokes Limited, a Kettering based Construction and Project Management Contractor, who major in high quality sports and leisure construction.

Vincent Stokes are one of our key accounts and we have built up a fantastic partnership over many years of successfully completed projects, throughout the UK. YBS are very proud to be awarded this accolade but also very happy to be associated with Vincent Stokes and all look forward to continuing this partnership.

YBS would personally like to thank Kev, Dan, Andy and Tony for their continued hard work and their contribution in attaining this award, along with our delivery team and supply chain working on this key account.

Andy Sutcliffe (MD) awards Andy Robinson (left) and Tony McPhillips (right) their award on behalf of Vincent Stokes Ltd.